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Grading Policy

Grading Guidelines (All Grade Levels)

Grading guidelines for each grade level or course will be communicated and distributed to students and their parents by the classroom teacher. These guidelines have been reviewed by each applicable curriculum department and have been approved by the campus principal. These guidelines establish the minimum number of assignments, projects, and examinations required for each grading period. In addition, these guidelines establish how the student’s mastery of concepts and achievement will be communicated (i.e., letter grades, numerical averages, checklist of required skills, etc.). Grading guidelines also outline in what circumstances a student will be allowed to retake an assessment or Common TEKS-Based Assessment, CTBA. Procedures for a student to follow after an absence will also be addressed.

The following percentages are used to determine the six weeks grade. Grades (assessment, practice, or lab) will reflect the level of understanding by the student based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) of that subject. All grades will be final on the last day of the school year.

• TESTS- Assessments and major class projects - 50%.
o Students will complete a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 4 assessment grades each grading period.
o Any exceptions to this requirement will need principal approval.

• DAILY - Daily work, class work, and homework - 40%.
o Students will complete a minimum of 6 daily grades each grading period.


* Grades 4-12 Science Grading Policy – 50% Assessment, 15% Practice, 25% Lab, & 10% CTBA

* Grades cannot be given for class participation, extra credit and/or non-TEKS assignments.

Maximum points allowed for late work is as follows:

1 day late -10 pts 90 max grade

2 days late -20 pts 80 max grade

3-5 days late -30 pts 70 max grade

6+ days late No credit

Retake/Redo Policy

Assessments - Once an assessment has been graded and feedback is given to the student, the student has 5 school days to receive the required remediation and retest. The student can retest one time and may receive full credit.

Daily - A teacher may, at his/her discretion, allow individual students to redo a daily assignment they have failed.

CTBA - Once a CTBA has been graded and feedback is given to the student, the student has 5 school days to receive the required remediation and retest. The student can retest one time for a maximum grade of 70.